If you are having a crisis, please call 801-587-3000 immediately.

Si tiene una crisis mental, llame al 801-935-4447 de inmediato. 


to help you today

Clinical services encompass the process of assessing, recognizing, and treating mental health and substance abuse disorders through inpatient or outpatient services.

University of Utah Health Plans is proud to be the new Medicaid behavioral health administrator for Summit County, beginning September 1, 2019. This is the first time one of the established Utah Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) providing medical care to a county’s residents has been chosen to also administer mental health and substance use services.

Healthy U Behavioral exists for ANY Medicaid eligible Summit County residents, regardless of their medical coverage.

As part of a world-renowned academic health system, HMHI provides comprehensive mental health services and psychiatric care. The hospital facility (previously the University Neuropsychiatric Institute) offers a safe and healing environment and exceptional patient care.

LBHS is a nonprofit, grassroots organization created to minimize the disparities in access to mental health services among the underserved Latino population of Utah. As a peer-run organization, Latino Behavioral Health Services exists to enhance the mental health awareness and well-being of people with mental illness, their caregivers, and loved ones through support, education, empowerment, facilitation of resources and services with competent responsiveness to cultural, socio-economic, and linguistics characteristics. LEARN MORE HERE

The Round Valley Clinic uses a team-based, personalized approach in delivering quality healthcare; coordinated by highly skilled, caring providers from Intermountain Medical Group.

Wasatch Behavioral Health is a comprehensive community mental health center offering an array of programs and services for children, teens and adults in both Utah and Wasatch Counties.

Community Partners

County Programs

State Crisis Line:


Línea de crisis en español:


Huntsman Mental Health Institute Park City


Contact the Behavioral Health Team