Drinking Water Safety
The Health Department Drinking Water Safety Program protects public health by helping to ensure Summit County has safe drinking water. The program protects public health by helping prevent water-related illness. We work with individual well owners and owners of community water systems, and offer these services:
- Providing water testing facilities for individual and public water systems.
- Providing information and answering questions about safe drinking water.
- Investigating suspected water-related illnesses.
- Making sure building projects have safe drinking water before building permits are issued.
- Helping to ensure that new public water system wells are located away from potential contamination sources.
- Reviewing plans and monitoring water quality for small public water systems. (The State of Utah reviews and monitors large systems.)
- Maintaining drinking water records with information about large and small public water systems, including water test results.
- Assisting the Utah Division of Drinking Water with drinking water programs.
Find information about what to do during a Boil Order here.
Find information about Summit County’s Water Testing Program here.
Find instructions to disinfect your drinking water well here.
Water Testing
Summit County has an in-house laboratory facility to test for bacteria in drinking water. We provide this service for individuals and community water systems. Individuals may test their water if they have a private well, or if they want to check water that comes from a community system. Community systems are required to test their water on a regular basis, and the lab reports these results to the State Department of Environmental Quality. Water testing and proof of potable water availability are frequently required for building permits.
The Health Department offers drinking water safety tests starting at $23 per test. Please call 435-336-3234 for more information.
Water Systems
Public water systems are regulated by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. The State Drinking Water Division provides information to water system owners and managers on how to achieve compliance with state water quality and wellhead protection requirements. Summit County approves and monitors smaller water systems, while the State of Utah approves and monitors larger systems.
Water Resources
Summit County’s Environmental Health Division also monitors the quality of surface water found in our county’s rivers, streams and lakes. We manage watershed planning and planning issues related to ground water and water quality.
Contact Us
Environmental Health Division, Summit County Health Department
85 North 50 East, Coalville, Utah 84017
Phone: 435-336-3234
110 N Main, Kamas, Utah 84036
Phone: 435-783-3161
650 Round Valley Drive, Park City, Utah 84060
Phone: 435-333-1511
Links of Interest
Utah Division of Drinking Water
Utah Division of Water Resources
Utah Division of Water Rights
Rural Water Association of Utah
Center for Disease Control and Prevention – Drinking Water
EPA Ground Water & Drinking Water
National Drinking Water Clearinghouse
Natural Resource Defense Council
National Rural Water Association
USGS Water-Quality Information