If you are having a crisis, please call 801-587-3000 immediately.

Si tiene una crisis mental, llame al 801-935-4447 de inmediato. 


means a healthy community

In Summit County, strong values and healthy families are hallmarks of our way of life. The Summit County Health Department Prevention Team is committed to protecting our residents of all ages from painful consequences associated with substance misuse and abuse and other behavioral health problems.

Effective Prevention Work requires a data-driven approach to assess levels of risk and protective factors that predict problem behaviors. The team analyzes data from many different sources to determine strategies for our community. The foundation of our services is evidence-based which offers proven ways to promote health and prevent problems. They are based on research and provide documented health benefits, so you can be confident they work.

All the programs offered by the team are in Spanish and English and are free to the community.

2023 SHARP Survey Results

The SHARP Survey is administered statewide every two years in Utah. It is an anonymous, voluntary, and confidential survey offered to 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders. Topics include mental health, substance use, bullying, and other health issues. It is the only one offered in Utah that collects this level of risk and protective factor data used to identify community needs. Results are used by numerous local organizations that provide valuable services for our children. Click below to see the most recent 2023 results.

Event Calendar

Student Programs

Adult Programs

Suicide Prevention Programs


Meet the compassionate and hard-working people who help our community every day.

State Crisis Line:


Línea de crisis en español:


Huntsman Mental Health Institute Park City


Contact the Behavioral Health Team