30 Day Comment Period: 2024 Fee Schedule


The Summit County Health Department is issuing a 30-day formal notice and comment period during which the public can review the proposed 2024 Fee Schedule and submit comments to the Health Department in writing by

30 Day Comment Period: 2024 Fee Schedule2023-11-09T15:42:44-07:00

La falta de sueño, la salud mental y el tiempo frente a la pantalla son algunos de los principales retos a los que se enfrentan los jóvenes de Utah


Los datos también muestran tendencias de reducción en el consumo de alcohol y sustancias Salt Lake City—Los datos de la encuesta de Salud y Prevención de Riesgos Estudiantiles (SHARP) de 2023 muestran que, si bien

La falta de sueño, la salud mental y el tiempo frente a la pantalla son algunos de los principales retos a los que se enfrentan los jóvenes de Utah2023-10-05T15:45:11-06:00

Lack of sleep, mental health, and screen time are some of the top challenges faced by Utah youth


Data also show decreasing trends in alcohol and substance use Salt Lake City—Data from the 2023 Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) survey shows that while Utah youth face many challenges, building supportive and protective

Lack of sleep, mental health, and screen time are some of the top challenges faced by Utah youth2023-10-05T15:42:28-06:00

Se alienta a los habitantes de Utah a protegerse de las enfermedades respiratorias este otoño e invierno


 Las vacunas contra el COVID-19, la gripe y el VRS (virus respiratorio sincitial) estarán disponibles para ayudar a los habitantes de Utah a evitar las infecciones respiratorias invernales. "Queremos alentar a todos a que se

Se alienta a los habitantes de Utah a protegerse de las enfermedades respiratorias este otoño e invierno2023-09-15T09:51:42-06:00

What to do after a boil order is lifted


When you receive notice that a boil order has been lifted, take the following steps:  Run all cold water faucet taps for at least 5 minutes. Begin with the lowest faucet in your home and

What to do after a boil order is lifted2023-05-29T16:36:32-06:00

How to properly dispose of sandbags


When it is time to dispose of your sandbags: Once acquired, sandbags are your responsibility, including proper disposal. Summit County does not offer sandbag pickup or individual disposal. Residents who live within city limits can

How to properly dispose of sandbags2023-05-26T16:14:40-06:00
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