If you are having a crisis, please call 801-587-3000 immediately.
Si tiene una crisis mental, llame al 801-935-4447 de inmediato.
Adult Prevention Programs
learning creates a health community
To learn more about these programs or to set up a custom presentation, please email Pamella Bello at pbello@summitcounty.org.
Parenting Class
STEP is an evidence-based prevention program designed to prevent adolescent tobacco, alcohol, marijuana use, and violence. Three major program components teach students:
- Personal Self-Management Skills
- Social Skills
- Information and Resistance Skills specifically related to drug use
Parents Empowered
A presentation that uses the state-wide campaign designed to prevent and reduce underage drinking by providing parents and guardians with information about the harmful effects of alcohol on the developing teen brain, with proven skills for preventing underage alcohol use.
Know Your Script
When it comes to overdose and addiction, we all have a part to play in keeping ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities safe. “Know Your Script” is an initiative to empower each of us to make smart decisions and ask the right questions regarding prescribed medications. A presentation is available to teach participants their role against prescription drug misuse and abuse.