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Who does the order apply to?
All individuals currently living within or visiting Summit County, Utah, are required to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status or past COVID-19 infection.
- Do children have to wear face coverings?
Children 2 years or under are not required to wear face coverings.
How long is the order in effect?
The face covering requirement went into effect at 12:01 a.m. on January 7, 2022, and expires at 5 p.m. on February 21, 2022, or until it is extended, rescinded, superseded or amended in writing.
Why did the County implement the face covering order?
On January 6, 2022 Summit County saw approximately 250 cases of COVID-19, and statewide over 9,000 cases were reported.
Increased COVID-19 transmissions are expected for the next 30 to 45 days with the Omicron variant. This risks stable continuation of essential services for all living in or visiting Summit County.
Furthermore, according to the Utah Department of Health, as of January 4, 2022, 86.4% of all ICU beds within the State of Utah were occupied. When 85% capacity is reached, Utah will be
functionally out of staffed ICU beds, indicating an overwhelmed hospital system.
Finally, Summit County continues to see an unprecedented demand for testing, which places additional strain on County resources.
What legal authorities allow for the Order?
Where are face coverings required?
- Indoors
- All indoor spaces open to the public.
- Healthcare settings (doctor and dentist offices, pharmacies, clinics, vet clinics, blood banks).
- Employee areas (workspaces and meeting rooms) for all private businesses and organizations where social distancing can’t be observed.
- Outdoors
- Waiting in line to get into any space open to the public.
- Employees
- Employees, staff, or volunteers engaging in work unless in an individual office/cubicle with no other person less than 6 feet from them.
- Inside/off-site if interacting with members of the public;
- In any space visited by the public – even if no public is there at the time; and
- Where food is prepared or packaged for distribution.
When DON’T I have to wear a face covering?
Some instances where face-coverings are not required:
- while actively eating or drinking, provided the individual remains in place while eating or drinking;
- while alone or only with other members of the same household in a room, cubicle, school-provided transportation, or similar enclosure;
- while obtaining or providing a service involving the nose or face for which temporary removal of the Face-Covering is necessary to perform the service;
- while actively performing as an athlete;
- while giving an educational, artistic, cultural, musical, or theatrical presentation or performance at a school for an audience or at a religious gathering;
- while exercising or engaging in athletic training while indoors and maintaining at least six feet of physical distance from any other individual;
- while purchasing a product or receiving a service that requires identification where the individual may briefly remove a Face-Covering, as necessary, so that the retailer or service provider can verify identity;
- while a student is napping;
- while swimming or on duty as a lifeguard; and
- while giving religious instruction.
Are there exemptions to the Order?
Generally, everyone should wear a face covering while in public indoor settings, but there are some exceptions:
- Individuals age two (2) years or under.
- Individuals with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a Face-Covering.
- Individuals who are hearing impaired, or communicating with an individual who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
- Individuals for whom wearing a Face-Covering would create a risk to the individual related to their work, as determined by local, state or federal regulators or workplace safety guidelines.
- Individuals who are seated at a restaurant or other establishment that offers food or beverage service, while they are eating or drinking.
- Individuals engaging in work where they are alone in an indoor establishment or facility.
- Individuals who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance.
- Individuals who have Individualized Education Programs (“IEP”) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1414, or an accommodation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794, that would necessitate exempting the individual from wearing a face covering.
General Questions
- Does the Order cover employees working together in areas not accessible to the public?
Yes, the Order applies to all individuals working indoors with others where social distancing cannot be observed. Individuals working alone indoors are not required to cover their face, unless they are preparing food.
- Does the Order put limitations on capacity?
No, the Order does not limit capacity.
- If we have upset customers, what do we do?
If a customer becomes disorderly or unruly please contact the non-emergency dispatch line at (435) 615-3600.
Specific Scenarios
- Gyms and Recreation Centers
An individual is not required to wear a mask while exercising or engaging in athletic training while indoors and maintaining at least six feet of physical distance from any other individual. However, these activities inside an enclosed space are potentially some of the highest risk places for transmission of the virus and masks are required while not actively exercising.
- Spas
A person getting services involving their nose or face, may remove a covering while that service is provided.
- Bars + Restaurants
Individuals seated at a restaurant or other food/beverage establishment while they are eating, or drinking do not have to wear face coverings. However, individuals must be masked while waiting to be seated.
How does this affect schools?
Masks are required in schools.
What about students with exemptions?
Exemptions are still in place for individuals with medical, mental health, and disability conditions that prevents them from wearing a face covering. This includes:
- Individuals who have Individualized Education Programs (“IEP”) that would necessitate exempting the individual from wearing a Face-Covering; and
- Individuals who are hearing impaired, or communicating with an individual who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
How will this Health Order be enforced?
Law enforcement and other government officials will be looking for and using ways to educate on the Order, its necessity, and our civic duty to protect others.
Violations of the Order are subject to an infraction.
Please DO NOT call 911 if you witness a violation. 911 should be reserved for emergency or criminal situations that need immediate attention. The Community Concerns Line is the proper place to report violations by businesses and/or large groups of people. Please call the Community Concerns Line to report violations at 435-333-0050.
What is an infraction?
An infraction may result in a citation that comes with a fine. It cannot result in arrest or jail.